How The Light Gets In, London 2018
HowTheLightGetsIn 2018 London | Video Painting
22-23 Septemeber 2018
Open Gallery took part in the HowTheLightGetsIn London 2018 Festival in Hampsted Heath presenting In A New Light Video Painting Series and 'Finding the New in the Known' artist talk by one of our exhibiting artist Sanchita Islam.
In A New Light features work by international aritsts from Gabrielle Le Bayon of France to Sanchita Islam of Kula Lumpur as well as many UK based artists who use the medium of video painting to create a series of dream-like images. These video paintings allow the viewer to find in the multi-layered texture of the image a myriad of unexpected detail and wonder. They challenge our standard assumption that images must depict some known object or event, and in its place uncover a rich and unknown world that typically remains hidden. To fully appreciate this, the work is ideally viewed over period of weeks and months; however the installation on view made it possible to drop in on the work over the course of the weekend to approximate to a fuller experience. Over time the seemingly simplicity of the subject matter is replaced by the uncovery of its unlimited potential.
Sanchita Islam Artist Talk: Finding The New In The Known
How do we find the new in the seemingly known? Artist Sanchita Islam discusses how Video Painting challenges our assumption that images must depict something known and uncover a world that typically remains hidden.
"There is the invisible world and the fake world and all those that partake in the fakery but only the real world is the one that counts; if you can open your eyes wide enough to see it, a world that is not man made." - Sanchita Islam